
What the Ophiucus?

What on earth is Ophiucus? Ophiucus is the 13th constellation, if you are born between November 30th and December 18th, then you could say you’re an Ophiucian, but you would sound like a spare off Star Trek. Ophiucus is a bit of a slider constellation that’s not really allowed to nestle in with the other 12 signs. A little like Abijit in Vedic astrology, which can be used in mundane charts but (as far as I know) not natal.

Ophiucus sounds a little bit like the birth name of the large brown mammal in Sesame Street, but it means ‘he who owns the serpent’ and is identified with Aesculapius, the god of healing, truth and prophecy. So, surely these should be the qualities that are brought to the fore since its discovery? Like comets and asteroids, when constellations come into our cognisance, they may hint at the expansion of our awareness and understanding through our developing consciousness.

How would we be able to recognise this process? Here are a few clues : The Cult of Asclepius talk about healing brought through a period of incubation, a period of retraction from outside influences. It conjures images of a bronze membership to the cult revealing insights and truths through recognition of synchronicities, inner awareness; through meditation and dream analysis, of life and patterns outside out normal vision. Gold membership may be a little more hardcore, think of herbs and psychedelic drugs, swinging of frankincense balls and a whole lot of scribing metaphorical masterpieces. 

Asklepios, the Greek version of Aesculapius contains the root word ‘aspalae’, meaning ‘blind rat mole’. That’s us scurrying around down here with our earth goggles steamed up. Homer believed the word asklepious derived from the word ascetics, which brings to mind the Essenes, people who lived pure and moral lives without totally withdrawing from life. Maybe this is where our choice comes in? Blind rat mole or sort yourself from the inside out.

The famous occultist, Madame Blavatsky talks a lot about ‘tricky’ Suns. She wrote ‘The 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiucus, the 13th house is the serpent holder and from it comes the black sun. The sudden star, though seen by all on earth does not elicit the fear it should, even as fire begins to stain the northern skies, but when Mars retreats from Ophiucus and the blue light separates from the green, know that war and sudden destructions are at hand and the black sun rises once again.’

Heaven knows what’s going on here. I would love to say it’s about binary star systems, but if so, it maybe a little more than a brown dwarf, and something that is really outside of our realm of vision. It conjures up images of celestial objects unseen and rotating in a huge elliptic orbit with one hidden, big daddy sphere humping up the amps through our sun periodically. If this energy is passed onto earth and to us, how you experience it would depend on which notes you whistle. Maybe that Pied Piper story had more going on than we thought? The ‘Ra Material’, talks about a ‘Harvest’ in these times, where the blue energy splits from the green (heart energy) and ‘Bashar’ also used an analogy to deliver a similar concept termed as ‘The splitting prism.’

World myths are alive with tales that may relate to this system. The Mayans called 2012 the time of the serpent bearer, where from cataclysm comes resurrection, renewal or healing the earth. In Ragnorak, the Norse depiction of Armageddon, Thor wrestles the giant serpent for the world.

I’m not really enjoying these myths, however, Blavatsky continues, “A star retreats from Ophiucus and awakens the blue light, 144,000 awaken from the tribe of Israel and separate from the others who have to undergo further refinement in the wilderness, know that war is at hand (sudden destruction) as the black sun rises.’ I’m sitting here with my toes and fingers crossed that we are in the blue team, and here’s hoping that black sun whips up an Elijah type whirlwind of fire, a Merkaba flying carpet to help us remember who we are and make a shifty escape when the going gets tough.

Here’s a little bit of positivity to leave you with. Pluto entered Ophiucus in 1989, the year that the Berlin war came down. To me, the bringing down of walls reminds me of the falling walls of Jericho in the Bible, and the uniting of the twins in Hopi legend, it also hints at that physically impossible binary star system above. Ophiucus is associated with the caduceus, two serpents intertwining around a staff tipped with wings, not only does it depict the energy of kundalini and the unity of the male and female energies in it body, the coordinated function of the limbic system,* the breaking down of all forms of duality including the search for a more balanced form of expression in society, after years of playing the ‘blind rat mole’ game.

Ophiucus is the blending of opposing energies in society, in our energetic system and within our brains. It’s the increased awareness of ourselves as a little more than our meat suits. To be able to get to this place after a huge history of separation is the real ‘dark night of the soul.’ It is a difficult but significant transition to a deeper state of perception, where we need to search for truth outside of the illusion, balance our physical and energetic bodies to allow us to see behind that ‘Interstellar’ bookcase (you will need to watch the film for that one :) 

Please see:

 *The Limbic System and the Soul: Evolution and the Neuroanatomy of the Religious Experience. Rhawn Gabriel Joseph.

 Symbolism of the Sun and Stars. H.P. Blavatsky.


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